November 27, 2014

Requests through the Internet

Recently, we received a couple of requests through our website to perform!

We are happy to accommodate those requests and we have booked those performances.

I feel great every day!

November 21, 2014

Wedding Ceremony

We attended our friend's wedding ceremony.

We had the opportunity to perform in the wedding.

We sang two songs, "Eternal Love" and "Great Love", in the ceremony.

We sang three songs, "Joy", "Jesus Didn't Forget About Me" and "In Dazzling Light", in the celebration.

Sweets are forever!

Those two will get along well.

November 7, 2014

Many opportunities to perform

We had the opportunity to perform in Israel.

We performed in the evening conference in front of the Sea of Galilee
We performed in the evening conference in Jerusalem.
We performed in a hall in Jerusalem.

We hope we'll be able to visit Israel next year, too.

November 3, 2014

Morning in Galiliee

I took a picture of the sunrise in Galilee.

It was majestic and beautiful.

Words could't do it justice.

It was a rare photo opportunity.

I won't forget that view as long as I live.

November 2, 2014

Sunday Service in Galilee

Even though the weather continued to rain, it was clear just before starting our service on Sunday!

What a wonderful day.

We videotaped the service using our quad-copter equipment!

EXODUS 34:10

"I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among wil see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you."

November 1, 2014

Rainbow again!

On the first day of November, we had a chance to serve in another congregation in Israel.

Fortunately, we were given a chance to sing our own original song in Japanese, English and Hebrew.

Amazingly, when we sang the line in Hebrew, the congregation sang with us!

After the meeting, we saw a double-rainbow in the sky again on our way back to the hotel.

God blessed us a lot!

We had breakfast at Galilee.
What a beautiful morning!